CIRC is a not for profit organization established by a team of scholars and successful industry leaders for conducting research on selected Islamic topics and dissemination of authentic Islamic information / concepts to various segments of the society. It is aimed to working for the propagation of Deen keeping in view the requirements current era. Though CIRC is a young organization but has worked or working on following projects: 

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    As evident from Quran and Hadith, Allah and His Prophet desire individuals to establish specific thoughts, beliefs, character, temperament and habits. What is the definition of desired personality strictly in the light of Quran and Hadith? CIRC has undertaken a research on this topic and the publication is near completion.

     For the individuals busy in their day to day lives and can’t afford to spend a lot of time on studies but still have a strong desire to learn Deen, CIRC has established a curriculum both for men and ladies, keeping in view their essential requirements. The courses are already underway based on this curriculum with the proven success on a limited scale. The developed curriculum is not only fully aligned to the conventional Dars-e-Nizami and could be considered as its summarized version but also addresses the present-day additional requirements of target segment. In order to ensure availability of these courses for interested individuals as per their convenience, the work is being carried out to make these courses readily available for men and ladies online. These courses shall be formally launched soon, at a larger scale. In sha Allah.

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    In order to address the specific requirements regarding solutions of issues / Deeni Masails being faced by various segments of community, CIRC is working to develop short courses, publications, workshops & presentations in the light of Quran and Hadiths. These will be presented /published on our website, In sha Allah, for the benefit of all concerned as and when they are completed.    

    CIRC has successfully undertaken programs for Young boys and girls in yesteryears with the name of Youth Leadership Program. Keeping in view the positive feedback from the participants and their parents, we intend to carry on with such programs in future as well with the objective of connecting our youth with Deen and vaccinating their thoughts, as much as possible, from the diverging concepts out there.

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A comprehensive work to effectively counter the diverging and diverting thoughts prevalent in the society against the well-established & authentic Islamic concepts is underway. This will be beneficial for the brothers and sisters to understand the truth of the popular so-called rational arguments behind the diverting thoughts and enable them to save themselves and their loved ones from ideologically falling pray of such superficial contradictory theories and ideas.

CIRC also intends to work on the Tafseer of Quran to collect the guidance of Allah SWT for recently emerging issues related to ideological, political, economic, household, etc in the society. Base work is underway.

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CIRC is also assisting community in finding out the solutions of their issues in the light of authentic Islamic guidance with the help of team of scholars (Mufti Hazrat). The guidance is endorsed by Fatawajaat (Islamic rulings).

    CIRC is also working for the development of Quran dictionary different in various aspects from the ones available in the market.

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      CIRC is also instrumental in promoting collaboration among the local Islamic schools.