About us

          CIRC is a not-for-profit organization established by a team of scholars and successful industry leaders for conducting research on selected Islamic topics and dissemination of authentic Islamic information/concepts to various segments of the society. It is aimed at working for the propagation of Deen keeping in view the requirements current era. 

          In order to make a learning experience convenient for the participants, we have developed a comprehensive learning management system targeting the following:

          • Participants can enroll conveniently by giving the required information on the LMS interface and get their authentication (login / password) through email.

          • The coursework comprises of watching various video lectures, completing online assignments/ written assignments/ video assignments, appearing in various quizzes and examinations, attending live sessions.

          • The participants are given flexibility of completing coursework at their convenience within the time period allowed for completing various milestones of each subject.

          • LMS will monitor the progress of each participant and give online real-time feedback to them on their respective progress.

          • The participants can share their views among themselves on joint forum.

          • The queries and clarification posed by participants during the coursework shall be addressed by the teachers by answering them online.

          • Live question answer sessions shall also be conducted depending on the requirement for the participants

          • Participants can also request for arranging special session for getting help and support in completing their coursework.

          Our Team

          Visit lms.circ.org.pk for enrollment in the current courses.